IRS Transcript Codes And WMR Reference Codes

Resequence Account (TIN Change)

Duplicate Tax Modules usually are not Resequenced

Resequenced Account or Plan For Merge

Change EIN or SSN or Plan Quantity

Reopen Entity Account or Plan

Location and/or Zip Code Change

Miscellaneous Entity Code Change

Launch Undeliverable Refund Test Freeze

Reverse The Election To Foyer

Direct Change To Legitimate SSN

Direct Change To Invalid SSN

Reversal of TC 053, 054, 055

Plan Yr Ending Month Change

Elect Overseas Gross sales Company (FSC)

Revoke Reverses TC 060, 063, 064, or 065

Church Exemption from Social Safety Taxes

Revocation of Church Exemption from Social Safety Taxes

Deletion of TC 070 Enter in Error

Correction of Faulty Revocation / Termination

Rejection of Kind 8832, Entity Classification Election

Revocation of Kind 8832, Entity Classification Election

Efficient Date of Revocation

Reverses TC 090, 093, 095,097

Utility for Small Enterprise Election

Utility for Small Enterprise Denied

Utility for Small Enterprise Pending

Small Enterprise Election Terminated

Utility for Small Enterprise Pending Nationwide Workplace Approval

Set up or Change in a Fiduciary Relationship

Termination of Fiduciary Relationship

Acceptance of Certified Subchapter S Belief (QSST)

Revocation of Certified Subchapter S Belief (QSST)

Acceptance of Electing Small Enterprise Belief (ESBT)

Revocation of Electing Small Enterprise Belief (ESBT)

Designates Windfall Earnings Tax Return to GMF Unpostable System

Worker Plan Traits

Reversal of Worker Plan Traits

Replace of Worker Plan Traits

Administrator Knowledge Change

Administrator Knowledge Change

Whole Account Frozen from Refunding

Reversal of TC 130 Refund Freeze

Delinquency Investigation

Return Filed & Tax Legal responsibility Assessed

Reversal of TC 150 or 154

1st Correspondence Letter Despatched

Subsequent Correspondence Despatched

Manually Computed Delinquency Penalty

Abatement of Delinquency Penalty

Failure to File Penalty Restriction Deletion

Abate Delinquency Penalty

Abatement of Estimated Tax Penalty

Abatement of Estimated Tax Penalty

Deposit Penalty Abatement

FTD (Deposit) Penalty Evaluation

Abatement of FTD Penalty Evaluation

Manually Assessed Curiosity Transferred In

Abatement of Curiosity Assessed

Taxpayer Identification Quantity Penalty Evaluation

Taxpayer Identification Quantity Penalty Abatement

Assessed Each day Delinquency Penalty

Abates Each day Delinquency Penalty

Each day Delinquency Penalty

Abatement of Each day Delinquency Penalty

Abate Miscellaneous Civil Penalty

Kind 8752 or 1065 Penalty

Abatement of 1065 Penalty

Handbook Evaluation Failure to Pay Tax Penalty

Handbook Abatement of Failure to Pay Tax Penalty

Failure to Pay Penalty Restriction Deletion

Failure to Pay Tax Penalty

Abatement of Failure to Pay Tax Penalty

Abatement of Dangerous Test Penalty

Reversal of Dangerous Test Penalty

Further Tax Evaluation

Abatement Prior Tax Evaluation

Further Tax Evaluation with Curiosity Computation Date

Abatement of Prior Tax Evaluation with Curiosity Computation Date

Further Tax Evaluation with Curiosity Computation Date

Abatement of Prior Tax Evaluation Curiosity Computation Date

Further Tax or Deficiency Evaluation by Examination Div. or Assortment Div.

Abatement of Tax by Examination or Assortment Div.

Further Tax or Deficiency, Evaluation by Examination, Div.with Curiosity Computation Date

Abatement of Prior Tax Evaluation by Examination Div. with Curiosity Computation Date

Further Tax or Deficiency Evaluation by Examination or Assortment Div. with Curiosity Computation Date

Abatement of Prior Tax Evaluation by Examination Div. with Curiosity Computation date

Penalty for Failure to Report Revenue from Suggestions

Abatement of Fraud Penalty

Curiosity Evaluation on Further Tax or Deficiency

Abatement of Curiosity Assessed on Further Tax or Deficiency

Restricted Curiosity Evaluation

Restricted Curiosity Abatement

Curiosity Restriction Deletion

Negligence Penalty Abatement

Abatement of Charges & Assortment Prices

Overpayment Cleared Manually

Statute Expiration Clearance to Zero Stability and Removing

Reversal of Statute Expiration

Account Re-Transferred-In

Reverse Examination Indicator

Examination Request Indicator

Request Returns from SERFE file

Examination or Appeals Case Switch

Request AIMS Replace from MF

Estimated Tax Declaration

Merged Transaction Indicator

Transferee Legal responsibility Evaluation

Prior Quarter Legal responsibility, Types 941 and 720

Extension of Time for Submitting

Correction of a TC 460 Transaction Processed in Error

Waiver to File on Magazine Tape

Extension of Time to Pay Property Tax

Reversal of Taxpayer Declare Pending

Reversal of Taxpayer Declare Pending

Interrupts Regular Delinquency Processings

Supply-in-Compromise Pending

Supply-in-Compromise Rejected

Supply-in-Compromise Withdrawn/Terminated

Correction of Faulty Posting of TC 480

Installment and/or Handbook Billing

Closure of TC 494 or correction of TC 494 processed in error

Correction of TC 500 Processed in Error

TC 500 modified to 503 when posting TC 502

Releases Invalid SSN Freeze on Refunds

IRS Litigation Instituted

Correction of TC 520 Processed in Error

Collateral Settlement Pending

Collateral Settlement No Longer Pending

Terminate Keep of Assortment Standing

At the moment not Collectible Account

Reversal of a At the moment not Collectible Account

Correction of TC 530 Processed in Error

Expired Stability Write-off, accrued or assessed

Reversal of Expired Stability Write-off

Reversal of At the moment not Collectible Account Standing

Belief Fund Restoration Penalty Instances

Belief Fund Restoration Penalty Case Reversal

Correction to TC 540 Processed in Error

Waiver Extension of Date Assortment Statute Expires

Waiver Extension of Date Evaluation Statute Expires

Further Legal responsibility Pending/or Credit score Maintain

Correction of TC 570 Processed in Error

Switch/income receipt cross ref. TIN

Satisfying Trans. Not liable this Tax interval

Satisfying Trans. Not responsible for tax for similar MFT if not already delinquent

Satisfying Trans. Unable to find taxpayer

Satisfying Trans. Return beforehand filed

Satisfying Trans. Referred to Examination

Satisfying Trans. Surveyed satisfies this module solely

Satisfying Trans. Shelved – satisfies this module solely

Satisfying Trans. Returned secured-satisfies this module solely

Underpayment Cleared Manually

Generated Reversal of TC 604

Reversal of Underpayment Cleared

Statute Expiration Clearance to Zero Stability and Take away

Reversal of Statute Expiration

Remittance with Return Dishonored

Correction of 610 Processed in Error

Preliminary Installment Fee: Kind 7004

Installment Fee Test Dishonored

Correction of TC 620 Processed in Error

Handbook Utility of Appropriation Cash

Reversal of Handbook Utility of Appropriation Cash

Separate Appropriations Refundable Credit score

Reversal of Separate, Appropriations Refundable Credit score

Advance Fee of Decided Deficiency or Underreporter Proposal

Dishonored Test on Advance Fee

Correction of TC 640 Processed in Error

Dishonored Federal Tax Deposit

Correction of FTD Posted in Error

ES fee or FTD Test Dishonored

Correction of TC 660 Processed in Error

Estimated Tax Credit score Switch In

Estimated Tax Debit Switch Out

Subsequent Fee Test Dishonored

Correction of TC 670 Processed in Error

Enter of a TC 672 Modifications an current TC 670 to TC 673

Credit for Treasury Bonds

Reversal of Credit for Treasury Bonds

Designated Fee of Curiosity

Designated Fee Test Dishonored

Correction of TC 680 Processed in Error

Designated Fee of Penalty

Designated Fee Test Dishonored

Correction of TC 690 Processed in Error

Designated Fee of Charges and Assortment Prices

Reverse Designated Fee

Reverse Generated Overpayment Credit score Utilized

Correction of Erroneously Utilized Credit score

Generated Overpayment Utilized from One other Tax Module

Overpayment Credit score Utilized from Prior Tax Interval

Correction of TC 710 or 716 Processed in Error

Generated Overpayment Credit score Utilized from Prior Tax Interval

Refund Reimbursement Test Dishonored

Correction of TC 720 Processed in Error

Overpayment Curiosity Utilized

Reverse Generated Overpayment Curiosity Utilized

Correction of TC 730 Processed in Error

Generated Curiosity Overpayment Utilized

Undelivered Refund Test Redeposited

Correction of TC 740 Processed in Error

Curiosity on Overpayment Transferred from IMF

Substantiated Credit score Fee Allowance

Correction of TC 760 Processed In Error

Earned Revenue Credit score Reversal

Generated Refundable Credit score Allowance

Generated Reversal of Refundable Credit score Allowance

Curiosity Reversal Previous to Refund Issuance

Correction of TC 770 Processed in Error or curiosity netting

Generated Curiosity Due on Overpayment

Reverse Generated Curiosity Due Taxpayer or curiosity netting

Grasp File Account Compromised

Defaulted Account Compromise

Correction of TC 780 Processed in Error

All Collateral Circumstances of the Supply Accomplished

Handbook Overpayment Utilized from IMF

Correction of TC 790 Processed in Error

Overpayment Credit score from IMF

Credit score for Withheld Taxes

Correction of a TC 800 Processed in error

Credit score for Withheld Taxes & Extra FICA

Reversed Credit score for Withheld Taxes

Reverse Generated Overpayment Credit score Transferred

Correction of an Overpayment Transferred In Error

Overpayment Credit Transferred to One other or to Non-MF Accounts

Overpayment Credit score Elect (Transferred) to Subsequent Intervals Tax

Correction of Credit score Elect

Overpayment Credit score Elect Transferred to Subsequent Intervals Tax

Cancelled Refund Test Deposited

Test Cancellation Reversal

Overpayment Curiosity Switch

Reverse Generated Overpayment Curiosity Switch

Correction of TC 850 Processed in Error

Overpayment Curiosity Switch by Pc

Reverses Faulty Abatement

Curiosity on Overpayment Transferred to BMF

Handbook Switch of Overpayment Credit to BMF

Correction of TC 890 Processed in Error

Overpayment Credit score Offset

FMS TOP Offset reversal or Company Refund/Reversal

Grasp File IDRS Entity Delete

Notify IDRS Entity or Module not Current

Reverse Return Required Suspense

Add/Replace Centralized Authorization File Indicator Reporting Brokers File

Reverse Centralized Authorization File Indicator

F720 Further Schedules; or F945 legal responsibility quantities from F945-A and associated dates, F941 legal responsibility quantities from Schedule B and associated dates

Miscellaneous Transaction

Reverses Amended/ Duplicate Return XREF TIN/ Tax Interval Knowledge

Utility for Tentative Refund F1139 Processed Return Filed-8038 Sequence Return and Further Submitting of Kind 5330

Posted Amended Return Posted Consolidated Generated Amended, Late Reply, or DOL Referral

CAWR Management DLN Transaction

CAWR Adjustment Transaction

Full or TaxClass Transcript

Two Accounts Did not Merge/ Transcript Generated

Distinction in Validity Standing/ Transcript Generated

Observe-up on Uncollectible

Replace Entity Data

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